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A member registered Sep 23, 2020

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Don't worry about it, I got bored last night and tried one last time. Restarting the game seems to have fixed it. I'm guessing this only happens if you reload a previous save after defeating the boss once. So...I could have saved myself a lot of trouble be restarting sooner. lol.

I've basically spent the entire day binging this game because I got drawn into it, but after beating the boss in the Tower of Revelation for the first time, I forgot to save and got killed by an unexpected quick time event, which sent me back to before the boss. Now every time I get to the end of the fight, the boss activates its final attack and I get thrown out of the fight, but get a game over when Celeste lands instead of Malayna appearing. I've done this like five times to the same result, whether the boss lands the last attack that round or a mob does.

I was thinking it might be an issue with hitting zero hp, but there's not really a warning that the boss is about to throw that at you, so I'm guessing that's not it. Still, I got so fed up I was going to boost my stats just to get through the fight and set them back, did so with a save editor, and then found that the save game I used for it is broken afterwards, even if I revert the stat changes.

I'm at the end of my rope. I really want to continue, but I can't seem to get past the boss now, and I've fought it so many times I really don't want to do it again. T_T